Welcome to
Blue Moon Farm
3584 Poosey Ridge Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Email: garlic@bluemoongarlic.com
Facebook: facebook.com/bluemoongarlic
Instagram: Instagram.com/bluemoonfarmky
2024- We have cut severely the amount of garlic we are growing, due to aging bodies and complete lack of help on the farm. This not only impacts the garlic we have available to sell, but also garlic powder supplies. We will not be doing mail order sales again this year. We'll see what next year brings. Thank you so much for your support of this small farm in the past. If you are in KY, come see us at the market!

Blue Moon Farm is a small, family farm, dedicated to bringing you gourmet quality sustainably grown (grown using organic guidelines and practices, but not "certified organic") garlic and other produce. Our garlic products are only available at a few select farmers’ markets locally (Kentucky). See "Where Can You Find Us?"
WHOLESALE- For many years we have been supplying restaurants and caterers in Lexington and other towns with fresh local Kentucky Proud produce, fruits, honey, and meats. If you are buying for your establishment, please contact us for more info, and to have your email address added to our twice weekly (in season) enews letter which will advise you what we currently have available, usually an interesting food related article, and almost always a link to some kick-ass music!
We are here every Saturday of the month 8am til 1:30pm or later, beginning the first weekend of April. You can find us at Henry Tandy Centennial Park, which runs between Main St. and Short St., just west of the old courthouse. The market will also extend down Short St. (which is closed to traffic for the market) and Upper St. Specifically, Blue Moon Farm is located on the northwest corner of the courthouse, in front of the big LEXINGTON sign, until the end of October. Please see the official Lexington Farmers' Market Website for more information and parking options. Some of the market vendors will continue on at Cheapside year 'round.
You can find Blue Moon Farm on Sundays, beginning the first weekend of April, from 10AM-2PM on Southland Drive in front of Goodyear, Ada & Lo, Critchfield's and Winchell's Restaurant. This market closes the last Sunday in October.
We carry all the products you get from us on Saturdays, PLUS many varied organic produce items from our Amish friends, who do not do the Sunday market. Please note that the hours for this market are strict! We are not allowed to sell before 10AM!! Drop us an email if you don't know how to find us there. garlic@bluemoongarlic.com